School districts across the country have cut funding for subjects outside the core curriculums like music and art, hindering learning opportunities for some students. According to data, students most affected by these cuts are in low-income and disenfranchised areas. These students often enter the workforce with limited exposure and skills for opportunities and career paths available to them. Students from low-income and disenfranchised areas also enter college with undeclared majors, or often need to take a gap year so they can “figure things out”.

In life, people often have to make difficult decisions and sacrifices. One is, forgoing their passion to make a living and providing for their family, believing they have to choose one over the other. However, there are so many people of all ages who have found ways to keep their passions alive while making a living. Some examples are a Business Executive that does photography on the weekend, a Part-Time Food Server that hosts a weekly podcast, a Social Worker that helps people in need with job searches in her spare time, and many others who have found ways to pursue their passion on a full or part-time basis.