How we view ourselves often affects how we manipulate our environment.
Self-awareness is essential in processing encounters and happenings in our world. We must become comfortable in being reflective of ourselves and our world.
Honest reflections of ourselves allow us to discover and or recognize how our strengths and weaknesses can work together to discover, refine, and activate our passions.
The doing within an activity is acquiring knowledge related to analysis, defining, creating, and evaluating. First-hand and real-world encounters increase the probability of active participation, retention, and application of knowledge and skills.
We acquire and process information using the following modalities: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and tactile. Activities that are designed to incorporate various learning activities: reading, auditory, visual, writing, speaking, and doing afford all participants opportunities to be engaged. Participants also have opportunities that enhance their abilities in areas where more practice is needed as we work to discover, refine, and activate our passions.
We must be aware and realize that some environments may be structured to hinder the likelihood of becoming proficient or excelling. Therefore we must become familiar with people, groups, organizations, environments, facilities, resources, and tools that are available to help us pursue our passions, dreams, and aspirations: libraries, seminars, the internet, conferencing with others who are pursuing similar passions and connecting with individuals/groups to mentor us in pursuing our passions.
We acquire and process information using the following modalities: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and tactile. We as individuals must challenge ourselves to “Learn to Learn.” “Learning to Learn” compels us to engage with learning as we connect prior knowledge to relate to novel concepts. We must learn to use our strengths to compensate for our weaknesses; this compensation may also cause some of our weaknesses to become strengths. As we move throughout our environments, we must learn to become the primary facilitators of acquiring knowledge and skills as we create plans to discover, refine and or activate our passions.