UNCOVERING THE ESSENCE OF YOUR PASSION WORKSHOP Name * First Name Last Name Email * Would you like to participate in the workshop virtually or in person? * In Person (Midtown Atlanta Area) Virtually (Google Hangout or Zoom) What is your preferred time of day to participate in the workshop? * Weekend - Early Afternoon Weekday - Evening Do you know what your passion is? Please select, Yes or No from the dropdown. Yes No How did you hear about Passion Points? What are you hoping to learn in this workshop? What questions/topics are you hoping to cover during the workshop? Is there anything else you would like to share with us to help you on your journey to pursing your passion? Thank you for registering for the Uncovering the Essence of Your Passion workshop which will be held in July.We are so excited that you have chosen to go on this journey with us. Complete workshop details, including location, time and participating instructions will be sent to the email in your registration by Friday, June 30th.Don't hesitate to contact us at connect@passionpoints.org if you have any questions.Remember, Passion Fulfilled is Power Realized.